Lowest price GUARANTEE

Low Price Guarantee - We keep the market's lowest prices and find any company that offers better prices so we match the price. In the end, it should be just you as a customer to save money. 

Price comparison 

Thank you for taking the time to help us continue to offer the market's lowest prices. 
To submit a valid price guarantee, first read our "Terms" to confirm that your application meets the requirements. 
After confirmation, please submit your application to helpdesk [a] x3mseller.com. 
1. Terms and Conditions All prices match eligibility for approval shall meet the following conditions: 
The price must be obtained from an authorized dealer. 
The price must be from a current offer and not from an old advertisement. 
The product must be new and sealed packaging. Demo products are not considered a new product. 
Some manufacturers prohibit the sale of their products at a certain price. 
We must comply with the rules established by the respective manufacturers. 
The total price of the product must contain all associated and relative costs. 
These include shipping, handling and other processing. 
Coupons, discounts, "free with purchase over", and other discounts can not be applied. 
The price must be from a single product and not a multiple product combination. 

If you can not decide that your application has met the requirements listed above, please contact us for assistance. 

2. Submit your application by contacting us by e-mail or call us at Customer Service. 
Type with the product name, manufacturer, product number, description and other corresponding properties. 
Be as specific as possible when describing the object. 
Include the URL of the competing product or scan the ad from ex. newspaper. 
You can also post it to us. Your application will be processed on time. 

Thank you for your time. 

why do we have such low prices? 

The question we often get is how we can keep such low prices? The answer is simply that low profit margins and no intermediaries, ie directly from the factory. We offer wholesale prices to all our customers. The company's motto has initially been offering quality products at the lowest prices. 
We can today offer the best and feature-rich web solution that makes it even easier for you as a customer to keep an eye on your orders as well as product surveys. We make every effort to make it easier for you as a customer, and maybe that's because we currently have over 150,000 satisfied customers around Europe. 

If you still have any questions about why prices are so low, please contact us and we will be happy to tell you more.